Ko KAUPAPA te papa kēmu mā Aotearoa e reorua ana.
KAUPAPA is the board game for a bilingual Aotearoa.
Beautifully designed and packaged.
It has been developed by Kura Rēhia, working closely with Aroha Tamihana from Maimoa Creative and Hēmi Kelly.
Whakaahua nā Aroha Tamihana / Maimoa Creative, Mataara Stokes & Zoë Frendin
E 900 ōna kupu, mai i te rākau ki te rangatira, ā, mā KAUPAPA e tino ngahau ai te noho, e whakawhānui ai hoki tō punakupu Māori i te wā kotahi!
With 900 words spanning rākau to rangatira, KAUPAPA is your chance to have hysterical fun, use your reo and expand your Māori vocabulary at once! It is a word description game that can be played at any level - beginners can use it to learn new words, and fluent speakers can create a fast-paced, playful Māori language immersion environment.
Kei roto: | Includes:
1 te Papa Kēmu | 1 Game board
150 ngā kāri Kupu | 150 Word cards
12 ngā kāri Māui | 12 Māui cards
3 ngā kāri Tūtohu | 3 Reference cards
3 ngā waka Rōpū | 3 Team tokens
1 te Tohuwā | 1 Timer
1 te pukatohu Kēmu | 1 Game guide
1 te Kapa | 1 coin
Beginner to Fluent
20 - 45 minutes
8 years
2-12 Players
He mea hanga i Aotearoa | Made in Aotearoa